Picture by Benjamin Schürer
Picture by Micha Kranixfeld
Picture by Johannes Specks
Picture by Johannes Specks
Picture by Micha Kranixfeld
Picture by Micha Kranixfeld
Pilzimbiss, 2020. Foodtruck and catering with self-grown mushrooms from books, reading performance and ceramics, various places in Augustusburg and Chemnitz. Part of the Gegenwarten Festival.
The Pilzimbiss is a mobile food vendor, serving meals with mushrooms. For growing the mushrooms, I used books, donated by local communities. The cellulose of the book is serving as a breeding ground for the mushrooms. It is an investigation on how the content of the book is entering the body of the mushroom, and it's effect on growth. The theories of Maseru Emoto and myths of Christs eating the bible for healing purposes are inspirations and foundation of the research. The recipes where inspired by street food around the world and changed as well as the selection of text. Overall I had about 50 books incubated and visited nine different locations, from a vegan Mushroom-Mayonnaise for the French Fries at the swimming pool to dumplings at the local farmers market.